
We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-229B Corr. 1|Interoperability Requirements Standard for Baseline 2 ATS Data Communications - Corrigendum 1. ED-229B provides the interoperability requirements (INTEROP) standard for the implementation of the Air Traffic Service (ATS) applications supporting the Baseline 2 data link services as specified in the Safety and Performa ...

Read the November NEWSblog here.

We are pleased to announce the publication of ER-028|Survey of Radio Frequency (RF) Performance Standards for Aeronautical RF Systems. This ER summarizes the results of the 2022/2023 survey conducted jointly by RTCA Special Committee-242 and EUROCAE Working Group-124 (SC-242/WG-124) on the applicable RTCA and EUROCAE published standards for Radio Frequency (RF) performance that ...

Click here to read the last edition of the EUROCAE Broadcast.

We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-105 SG-4 "Design and Airworthiness" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-325 Vol. I "Guidance Document for Special Condition Light - UAS - Medium Risk - Volume 1" The objective is to develop a guidance document that may be used support the development of Means of Compliance (Mo ...

We are pleased to announce the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-83 "Airport Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Detection Systems" for Open Consultation: Draft ED-235A "Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard for Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Detection Systems" The MASPS for FOD Detection Systems has been updated to better reflect the techn ...

The TWP 2024 is a strategic document which presents a clear view of the EUROCAE scope of work. It provides insight into the context of current and potential future EUROCAE activities for aviation executives and stakeholders of standardisation in the broad field of aviation.