
We are pleased to inform you that EUROCAE WG-128 "Airborne Electronic Hardware Design Assurance" has been created.In April 2000, the ED-80 document entitled “Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware” prepared by Working Group 46 “Electronic hardware” was published. This ED-80 standard (as its counterpart RTCA DO-254) has been widely used and has proven to be e ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-318|Technical Specification for Geographical Zones and U-Space data provision and exchange. Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 mandates in its Article 15 that “when Member States define UAS geographical zones, for geo awareness purposes they shall ensure that the information on the UAS geographical zones, including their perio ...

We are pleased to inform you that EUROCAE SG-4 "Virtual Flight Recorder Data Recovery Systems" has been created.WG-118 have identified that there is a need to create dedicated SG-4 "Virtual Flight Recorder Data Recovery Systems" to produce MASPS for virtual flight recorder data recording (VFDR) solutions that store data transmitted by aircraft in a cloud-based environment as an ...