Celebrating Excellence: The Annual EUROCAE Awards
Every year the nominations for the different Awards come from within the Working Groups, where the work is done, and who better to identify those members worthy of an Award than the Working Group members?
More than 5000 participants from about 500 member organisations are registered with EUROCAE. Each one of them is a valuable member of a community of aviation experts dedicated to writing standards with the sole purpose of making aviation safe and efficient.
During our Symposium we want to take this opportunity to recognise the exceptional individuals who went above and beyond their duties in the past year. These experts assumed responsibilities and worked tirelessly to ensure the best possible outcome. It is these extraordinary members that EUROCAE recognized with the Awards presented each year.
The Selection Committee represented the EUROCAE Governance by being composed of a member of the Council, the Technical Advisory Committee, and the Secretariat. For the Global Harmonization Award, a representative from RTCA joined the Selection Committee.
EUROCAE Awards Winners per Year
- President Award: Patrick Souchu
- Lifetime Achievement: Luc Deneufchâtel
- WG Leadership: Roy Posern
- Women in Aviation: Laure Baltzinger
- Global Harmonisation: Mikael Mabilleau
- Outstanding Contribution: Konstantin Dmitriev
- International: Hiroaki Nakata
- Lifetime Achievement: Roland Mallwitz
- WG Leadership: Jörn Jakobi
- Women in Aviation: Julia Sanchez
- Global Harmonisation: Eric Asselin
- Outstanding Contribution: Clive Goodchild
- International: Mark Brown
- President: Jean-Marc Loscos
- Lifetime Achievement: David Bowen
- WG Leadership: Philippe Chauffoureaux
- Global Harmonisation: Chuck La Berge
- Outstanding Contribution: Philippe Leplae
- International:Vaugh Maiolla
- President: Pascal Medal
- Lifetime Achievement: Ken Carpenter
- WG Leadership: Marc Poncon
- Global Harmonisation: Denis Bouvet
- Outstanding Contribution: Dr. Ikhlas Selmi
- International: John Fisher
- President: Friedhelm Runge
- Lifetime Achievement: Yves Morier
- WG Leadership: Frank Flourens
- Global Harmonisation: Armin Schlereth
- Outstanding Contribution: Linda Lavik
- International: Barbara Clark
- President: Shigeru Ozeki
- Lifetime Achievement: Michael Allouche
- WG Leadership: Stephane Pelleschi
- Global Harmonisation: WG-72/SC-216 (Jean-Paul Moreaux, Daniel Johnson, & David Pierce)
- Outstanding Contribution: Chris Hoffman
- International: Fabrice Kunzi
- Lifetime Achievement: Alain Gilbert
- WG Leadership: François Larue
- Women in Aviation: Catherine Bonari
- Global Harmonisation: WG-99/SC-234 (Dr. Robert Kebel, Dr. Stephan Schulte, & Billy Martin)
- Outstanding Contribution: Pierre-Yves Gauthier
- International: Michael Garcia
- WG Leadership: Dewar Donnithorne-Tait
- Global Harmonisation: Jerome Condis
- Outstanding Contribution: Rory Hedman
- International: Vince LoPresto
- Innovation: Michel Messerschmidt
- Outstanding Contribution: Laurent Azoulai
- Outstanding Contribution: Philippe Plantin de Hugues