
We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-114B change1|MOPS Global Navigation Satellite GBAS Ground Equipment to support Precision Approach and Landing. This is a change to ED-114B, MOPS for Global Navigation Satellite Ground Based Augmentation System Ground Equipment to support Precision Approach and Landing. Its purposes are: • To resolve findings that were identified ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-300|Guidance on Conducting an Aircraft Functional Hazard Assessment and Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment for a VTOL Using a Generic Example. A VTOL example is needed to show how aircraft-level Failure Conditions and their associated requirements can be flown down to system level, specifically for the highly-integrated funct ...

ED-300 ‘Guidance on Conducting an Aircraft Functional Hazard Assessment (AFHA) and Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment (PASA) for a VTOL Using a Generic Example’, which was developed by WG-112 on VTOL, was published on 7 November 2022.

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-306|Design Considerations for VTOL Aircraft Protection From Uncontained High-Energy Fragments and Sustained Imbalance. The standard will cover: - Review the design consideration for high energy rotating devices in VTOL: Generators, E-Motors, Gear box etc. - Classification of debris & Assessment of fragment spread angle: inten ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-304|Technical Standard for Passenger and Crew Seats in Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Aircraft. Crash-worthy stroking seats have seen adoption in military and emergency services rotorcraft. VTOL for Urban Air Mobility is an emerging technology sector, there are currently in the order 130 new platforms being developed globally, of wh ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ER-023|Development Assurance Principles for Aerospace Vehicles and Systems. This document was developed jointly by EUROCAE Working Group 63 “Complex Aircraft Systems” and SAE S-18 “Aircraft and Sys Dev and Safety Assessment Committee”. This document provides a high-level set of principles for the development assurance of aerospace ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-243C Ch.1|MOPS for Avionics Supporting Next Generation Satellite Systems (NGSS). Several issues have been identified that will require Change 1 documentation to the existing Appendix F Iridium Certus MOPS: 1. Changes to Section F.2.3.5 for Lightning Induced Transient Testing required in DO-160 – missing note and table F-32 update ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-301|Guidelines for the Use of Multi-GNSS Solutions for UAS Specific Category - Low Risk Operations SAIL I and II. This document was initiated to improve the capability to manage external services that affect UAS operations, as a means to support safety in the Specific Category. Considering that the GNSS receiver is the primary na ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-260A|MASPS for Coexistence of Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication Systems within 4 200-4 400 MHz. This document contains Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS) for coexistence of Wireless Avionics Intra-Communication (WAIC) systems operating within the 4200-4400 MHz radio frequency band. It provides designers of ...

We are pleased to announce the publication of ED-205A|Process Standard for Security Certification and Declaration of ATM ANS Ground Systems. ED-205 provides a process to assess the extent to which the ATM/ANS ground systems are appropriately secure for use. The process is able to be used to identify, evaluate and manage impacts on safety, operational delivery and other commerci ...